Briggs Marine / Goodchild Marine Services ORC Pilot Vessels

Goodchild Marine

Goodchild Marine is a family business founded in 1978 and run by Alan and Sue Goodchild and Steve and Lisa Pierce.

Operating from the picturesque location of Burgh Castle Goodchild Marine have the capability to tackle any job from small repairs, refits and restoration to dredging and the complete design and build of a new vessel.

Goodchild marine have been a long standing client of MSPhotographic , firstly being introduced to each other via our contacts at Briggs marine . Working closely with both clients we are able to create a huge amount of content for both clients .

Drone Filming In Liverpool , Northwest

Ground and Aerial Footage

Using both ground and drone cameras we have covered many different scenarios ranging from working at sea capturing pilots boarding huge container ships or working from land capturing health and safety critical training videos. Having a good working relationship with both clients allows MSPhotographic and the crew on the vessals to work in harmony whilst working safely and effectively.

Briggs Marine

When Briggs Marine took over the contract for Pilot Launch operations in the Port of Liverpool, the fleet of launches was in much need of updating. Investment in these keys assets was vital in order to continue offering a reliable and consistent service.

As part of its contract with Peel Ports, Briggs introduced five new ‘state of the art’ vessels over a four-year period, regaining steady state operations and providing the client with confidence in the operation for years to come. Additional benefits of the new vessels include improved transit times, enhanced crew comfort and safety and reduced fatigue. In terms of performance, Briggs has achieved exceptional improvement in successful, timely Pilot transfers as well providing significant savings in fuel usage due to the modern hull design and more efficient engines.


Peel Ports successfully completes first trial of autonomous unmanned survey vessel


St Helens roof Inspection